HGH therapy New York City, NY - Balance Hormone Clinic

Introduction to HGH

Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a vital hormone produced in the pituitary gland that stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration. As we age, HGH levels naturally decline and this can lead to undesirable effects. HGH therapy involves supplementary injections to return hormones levels back to an optimal range to promote wellbeing and vitality.

When HGH levels dip in adulthood it is called adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) and can cause symptoms like increased body fat, loss of muscle mass and strength, hair loss, fatigue, mood issues, sleep difficulties, and more. Getting evaluated and starting treatment can greatly benefit quality of life. This article outlines key topics around hormone optimization with a focus on offerings from our Balance Hormone Clinic clinic.

Evaluating HGH Status

Determining if hormone replacement therapy is right for you requires specific blood analysis. Reputable clinics rely on data, not guesses, so upfront testing is always needed. Our physicians order panels that include:

Our services

Diagnostic Hormone Panels

- IGF-1 (critical growth hormone marker) - Total and free testosterone - Thyroid hormones T3, T4 - Cortisol and DHEA stress hormones - Blood cell counts - Comprehensive metabolic profile - Vitamin D - Inflammatory markers

Get evaluated and start HGH therapy today!

Common Reasons for Declining HGH

There are a variety of reasons why people experience falling somatotropin as they get older. Contributing factors can include:

Lifestyle Causes

- Poor diet - Lack of exercise - Excess body fat - High alcohol intake - Smoking - Chronic stress

Health Conditions

- Pituitary tumors or inflammation - Traumatic brain injury - Radiation exposure to head/neck - Some surgeries impacting the hypothalamus

Getting to the root cause is key so any underlying issues can be addressed as part of the treatment plan.

Benefits of Growth Hormone Replacement

Patients with diagnosed AGHD who start bioidentical HGH therapy enjoy a variety outcomes including:

Physical Effects

- Increased lean muscle mass - Reduced body fat (especially abdominal visceral fat) - Greater bone density - Enhanced injury healing - Improved skin thickness, texture and elasticity - Hair regrowth

Metabolic Enhancement

- Positively impacts cholesterol ratios (raises good HDL) - Better blood sugar control & insulin sensitivity - Healthier blood pressure levels

Performance Gains

- Elevated energy levels, endurance and strength - Increased exercise capacity so easier muscle building with workouts - Better cardiovascular function

Wellbeing Improvements

- Balanced mood with reduced anxiety and depression - Deeper more restorative sleep - Heightened motivation and cognition - Greater self-confidence - Improved libido and sexual function

It's no wonder that many ambitious professionals seek out hormone clinics for HGH therapy. Balancing key hormones pays dividends across all aspects of health.

Interesting fact

While often associated with illegal performance enhancement, HGH therapy is FDA-approved to treat children with growth hormone deficiency and has shown positive results for them, helping increase height velocity and allowing them to reach normal adult heights they may not have achieved otherwise.

Treatment Protocol Basics

If bloodwork indicates below optimal somatotropin, then our physicians will make dosage recommendations. Treatment protocols are customized to the individual but often start with a daily injection between 1-3 IU (international units) depending on severity of deficiency.

Pharmaceutical grade HGH comes as a lyophilized powder that must be mixed with sterile bacteriostatic water before injecting subcutaneously. Our nurses provide hands-on guidance to ensure patients learn proper reconstitution techniques.

Omnitrope and Norditropin pens offer excellent precision dosing and can enhance compliance for those wanting straightforward self-injections. Vials offer flexibility for tailored dose adjustments. We offer teaching on both delivery methods.

Timing matters - taking growth hormone injections in the evening helps mimic the body's natural pulsing rhythm. There is extensive medical literature showing better response when most daily HGH is given just before bedtime.

Follow-up Testing is Critical

We retest hormone blood panels after 4-6 weeks of therapy to confirm levels are optimizing within range. Dosages may be adjusted up or down based on follow-up results and reported symptoms. Most patients inject daily for 3-6 months before transitioning to 3-5x weekly maintenance phase.

Take control of your well-being today.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Best Results

HGH therapy effectiveness can be amplified further by also adopting some supportive lifestyle upgrades like:

Hormone optimization goes beyond injections alone. Committing to healthy supportive habits enables people to look and feel their absolute best. Our physicians and nurses provide guidance to empower sustainable vitality.

Why Choose Balance Hormone Clinic of New York City?

There are many reasons to select our clinic for HGH therapy:

We make the process of bioidentical hormone replacement seamless and rewarding while always putting patient health front and center. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Local Establishments

- Quest Diagnostics Midtown - Comprehensive hormone blood testing - Equinox Fitness Clubs - Best-in-class gyms for strength and conditioning - Viand Cafe - Healthy cafe with anti-inflammatory options just blocks from our office - Remede Spa - Offering therapeutic massages and relaxation treatments - Central Park - Peaceful urban oasis for walking, people watching and unwinding

With evidence-supported injection protocols, lifestyle upgrades, and close medical guidance - HGH therapy can transform health and performance in profound ways. If you suspect hormone imbalance, get tested and talk to one of our doctors to map out a treatment plan catered to your needs. Committed patients who embrace our integrative care model amplify their wellbeing exponentially. We cannot wait to see you thrive!

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